At Specialized Physical Therapy, we are proud to provide our clients with The Functional Movement Screen (FMS).
Developed by Gray Cook, MSPT, OSC, CSCS and Lee Burton, PHD, ATC, CSCS, FMS has been regarded the nation’s state of the art evaluative tool to prevent individuals of all ages from unnecessary injury both on the field and off. According to Gray Cook, “You’re only going to be as good as your weakest link.”
With FMS, we can evaluate an individual’s movement patterns and identify your weak links. By screening these patterns, we can successfully and quickly identify functional limitations and asymmetries that are more likely to lead to injury, then help our clients address those weaknesses in an effort to prevent that injury long before it happens.
So effective is the FMS that the Indianapolis Colts require their players to not only have the screening, but correct those imbalances and weakness identified by FMS before they set one foot on the playing field. “Everything we do at the Indianapolis Colts is built on a Functional Movement Screen basis,” says Jon Torine, Colts Strength and Conditioning Coach. “It’s the foundation of our program.”
Today FMS is also being used by the U.S. Navy, PGA, NHL, and many NCAA programs as well as police and fire departments nationwide to keep their “teams” healthy, strong and pain free. It’s one of the reasons we offer it to our clients.
Give us a call today to find out how we can work with you or your team! (720) 493-1181