The most common causes of shoulder pain include overuse tendonitis, degenerative tendinosis, a strain or tear of the rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, dislocation or instability, rotator cuff tears, arthritis, calcific tendonitis and biceps tendonitis.
Most of these aren’t due to an issue with the shoulder joint, but are instead due to issues with the structures surrounding the joint.
Frozen Shoulder
For instance, frozen shoulder happens when the capsule of the shoulder joint becomes tight, meaning that you have less ability to move your shoulder in different directions. That makes it difficult to do even simple tasks. It’s common in adults and due to use and overuse of the shoulder.
Biceps tendonitis
This happens when the long head tendon, one of the tendons that attaches to the bicep muscle, becomes irritated or inflamed. Again, not the actual shoulder joint, but surrounding tissue and musculature issues.
Rotator cuff
The muscles that surround the shoulder joint form a covering that lends strength to your shoulder joint. Together they are called the rotator cuff. Your rotator cuff can become weak over time, or get injured and cause you pain. If the rotator cuff isn’t torn, it’s usually a condition called rotator cuff tendinitis.
Physical therapy
Any of these issues or others cause pain and inability to function in your day to day life. Treatment for any issues with your shoulder can be accomplished with physical therapy.
If you are in the Denver area, please come in for a FREE Pain Evaluation to be sure you get the best treatment and regain your mobility.