Bike riding is a great way to get a cardio workout. Stationary bikes are too, and they let you get a cardio workout come rain or shine. To get your best work out, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Use the interval training program on the bike
Interval workouts are when you switch between higher intensity work and lower intensity work. A typical interval training workout should take about 30 minutes, which includes a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down. As an example, alternate between 2 minutes of intense pedaling and then 3 minutes of slow pedaling, repeated for the length of the work out.
Another workout choice is the heart rate workout
Another workout choice could be using the heart rate workout. This workout will track your intensity level based on your heart rate. You should aim to maintain a heart rate of 65 percent of your maximum heart rate. The program should help you find and maintain your heart rate at 65 percent, or even higher depending on your fitness level.
How about the resistance program
Don’t forget the resistance program! Adjusting the resistance not only increases the cardio benefit, but also helps build muscle. Often the resistance programs for stationary bikes will have you simulating riding up and down hills, as you would outside.
Other programs combine each of the above. Try them all and see the results!