Your ankle is swollen and feels like it’s on fire, then gets stiff. You know that you haven’t done anything to think you sprained it, so what gives? More likely than not you have achilles tendonitis.
Achilles tendon
Achilles tendonitis is tendonitis of the achilles tendon which is in your ankle. It is usually caused by overuse of the leg. Most commonly it is found in athletes training under less than ideal conditions. Development of tendinitis depends on the type and frequency of exercise or use. A good example would be swimmers tend to develop tendonitis in their shoulders. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury, especially in sports that involve lunging and jumping.
Achilles tendonitis has physiological, mechanical, and/or extrinsic, meaning footwear or training, causes. The physiological part is that the achilles tendon is subject to poor blood supply through the synovial sheaths that surround it which can lead to the degradation of collagen fibers and inflammation. The mechanical part is pronation and supination when running or walking. If due to an overuse situation, it likely happens when there is an increase in running, jumping or plyometric exercise intensity too soon or wearing old footwear which gives little support.
Self care and Physical Therapy
You can do some self care for treatment with ice and heel pads in your shoes to provide support, plus light to medium compression around ankles and lower calf by wearing elastic bandages throughout the day and/or overnight. Be careful with the pressure overnight. It should be very light compression while sleeping. If that doesn’t do the trick, physical therapy should be your next bet. Cold compression therapy, exercises to strengthen the tendon.
Keep in mind that compression can inhibit healing by hindering circulation, so use it sparingly. Follow the direction of your doctor and physical therapist. You can heal your tendonitis. Don’t wait.
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