You have problems with incontinence and your doctor said that it is problems with your pelvic floor musculature. He or she suggests physical therapy before any surgery or medication. You like the idea of trying that before something more drastic, but wonder, what does pelvic floor physical therapy entail?
Pelvic floor physical therapy starts off with an evaluation that checks for the low back pain and other symptoms. The physical therapist will check low back motion and leg strength. He or she will also conduct special tests to check the nerves and soft tissue tension in the low back and buttock area. Then they will do an internal check to assess the tone and strength of the pelvic muscles. After that a plan of attack to help your particular situation is put together.
The treatments often include Kegel exercises. They involve using the muscles of the pelvic floor to stop the flow of urine when you go to the bathroom. Once you know the feeling of those muscles working, you can do the kegels anytime. Your therapist will have other exercises and treatments available to help you recondition the pelvic floor muscles so that your issues improve.
Other types of treatment may include both external and internal techniques, although therapists will not use internal techniques until you are comfortable with them. External techniques may include skin rolling; myofascial release; trigger-point therapy to release tight spots; nerve release; and joint mobilization. Your therapist may also use and instruct you on biofeedback. It uses electrodes placed on the body to actually show you the difference between tensing and relaxing muscles on a display. It will teach you how it feels so you can do it on your own.
Another kind of therapy is electrical stimulation. It helps desensitize nerves or even cause muscles to contract and relax, and calm pain and muscles spasms. Ultrasound is also used to help you actually see the pelvic floor muscles functioning and help you learn to relax them. It also uses sound waves to produce heat that can reduce muscle spasms and increase blood flow.
If you would like to find out exactly what is best for you and help to solve your pelvic floor problems why not sign up for a free consultation TODAY!