Hip pain can make you feel creaky and it’s not an uncommon problem. It is common among runners due to overuse, but you don’t have to “suffer through” it. There are things you can do. Hip muscle weakness Research has shown that the usual problem runners have is hip muscle weakness. That weakness can cause […]
Really Great Off Season Training Tips For Skiers
Ski season is right around the corner and getting in shape for it before you hit the slopes can mean the difference between having a fun season or injuring yourself and having to sit it out. Here are some tips for skiers to get in shape now before the snow hits the slopes. First, work […]
The 5 Most Common Sports Injuries Among Marathon Runners
Marathons are races that are 26.2 miles. Those who run them train for months for each race. They do this to prevent injury, but there are still common injuries that come from marathon running. Here are five of them. 1. Blisters. Blisters happen when your shoes rub different parts of your feet and cause irritation […]
Running Tips: What is Over Striding When You are Training?
If you’ve taken up running and find that you are having issues with shin splints you may think it’s just your shoes. But if you get new running shoes and the shin splints continue, the issue may just be over striding. Whether you run on a treadmill or outside, over striding can be an injury […]