Sciatic back pain, or sciatica, is pain that runs through the buttock and one leg originating in the nerves at the base of the lumbar spine, or the sciatic nerve. If has several causes, usually not from an issue with the nerve itself, but with the surrounding tissues or spine. There are three “usual suspects” […]
Specialized Physical Therapy – What Types of Things Can We Treat?
You’ve been dealing with a painful physical condition but you don’t know where to turn. A friend suggested Specialized Physical Therapy to you but you aren’t sure they treat what ails you. So what do they treat? Well, a lot of things! Many you probably didn’t think physical therapy could help. Let’s start with your pain. […]
What Is A Herniated Disc? | Back Pain Denver
If you’ve been suffering from back pain, leg pain, or weakness of any lower extremities, you may have a herniated disc. This happens when the cushion between the spinal vertebra is pushed outside its normal position or is herniated. That herniation aggravates the spinal nerves causing the pain and weakness. Vulnerable to injury or rupture […]
5 Common Causes of Sciatica
Sciatica is a painful condition where the sciatic nerve in your lower back is aggravated. There are several causes for this. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body. It starts in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the leg and it provides the connection to […]